The first article dealt with how to assess your property’s security aspects and layout and what to look for when making your perimeter more burglar proof. This article deals with do-it-yourself aspects and what security companies can offer you.     


Home alarm systems and surveillance cameras are readily available in do it yourself kits, with  a variety of cameras, recording equipment, access control systems, motion detectors and so on. You’ll find numerous wholesale home security systems and camera providers online. Keep in mind that many of these items are inferior and a waste of money. Ensure you do not get ripped off with a low quality home security system, buy only from reputable resellers and enquire at local security companies and home ware stores about similar products.

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At a minimum, your property should have an alarm system which acts as a deterrent, scares off intruders and alerts neighbours and the occupants of possible problems. No matter your home’s layout, opt for window and door sensors, primarily on ground level, but also at any balcony entry doors. Passive infra red or “motion” detectors should be pointed to entry points, passages and windows that might not have sensors in order to pick up any movement as soon as possible. Basic do-it-yourself alarm systems are simple to install and can instantly improve protection of your property.

Some systems come with flashing lights and sirens that can alert the neighbours. These are a good deterrent to intruders as long as they do not frequently go off for no apparent reason. Be sure to let your neighbours know if you’re leaving home for an extended period, ask them to keep their ears and eyes open.

With the diy option, the points of installation are very important. Seeing that you are not making use of an expert in security, who will know where to position and point your passive infra red detectors and so forth, you need to make 100% sure that all possible areas and access points are covered. Read the previous article on Assessing your property’s layout.


A good house security system should have monitoring and surveillance services. Most recognized security companies offer security system installation, maintenance and monitoring. Monitoring companies have trained personnel who respond to an alarm system that’s been triggered. Whether you need medical assistance, protection from intruders or any other safety related matter, they have the facilities to cater for it all. Generally your best option is an experienced security provider with resources and technical skills  to provide adequate home security systems, armed response and backup for your needs. Many security firms provide installation and maintenance of integrated safety solutions and also offer you monitoring of your security system at a monthly fee.

Look around your area whether you see any patrol cars or security signs. Brand visibility and Company reputation are good indicators of whether a security company is reputable.  A well established company that is highly visible and promote their business and services is usually the better option.

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