How to Lay a New Instant Lawn


Jaden Meek

So your back yard lawn has gone patchy, is invaded with weeds and is beyond repairing. It’s time for a new instant lawn!!

The following article will assist you in replacing your lawn with a new healthy instant one.

Removal of the old lawn. There are a few options here, for small lawns you can just get yourself a mattock and some elbow grease and dig up the old lawn removing as much lawn as possible. For larger lawns I like to use a machine called a turf cutter. It has a blade that moves backwards and forwards and cuts the grass 20 or so centimetres below the ground in long strips. After going over it with the turf cutter simply roll the strips of grass up and throw it out. Another option is to use a rotary hoe to loosen up the lawn then rake it up and remove it.


Adding Soil The next step is to assess the soil. Lawns like a free draining sandy loam soil. So if have a look at it and if it’s a soil prone to getting water logged dig a sandy loam top soil in to it. If it’s looking a little sandy add some compost.

Levelling the lawn Next step is to level out the area. I like to go over it with a rake and remove all the large clumps of soil and debris. Then I turn the rake over and use the back of it to level the soil some more. Now if you want to go that step further and really get it level use a large 4 x 2 length of timber (around 2m) using it to screed off the soil making it beautiful and level.

Fertilizing the lawn. To give your new lawn a leg up, a slow release lawn fertilizer is always a good idea. Apply evenly at recommended rates on soil just before laying your lawn.

Laying the lawn. It’s now time to lay your lawn. It’s usually best to lay it row by row, laying the rows across any slope and laying it in a stretcher bond (brick pattern) pattern to avoid all the joins lining up.

Cut out around things like trees or corners with a bread knife or small hand saw.

Rolling the lawn. Once your lawn is laid, Its always a good idea to run over it will a lawn roller (most hire shops have them). They help bed the new lawn in to the soil below, removing any air pockets.

Watering the lawn. Now all that’s left is to water. Give it a good long soak, until the water soaks all the way through the lawn and a good inch in to the soil. Try and do this every day for a few weeks. One the lawn has grown root and established itself. Reduce the watering to once a week maybe twice in summer

All that’s left now is to enjoy your new lawn!

Jaden Meek is the Director of Deck It Out Landscape And Outdoor Solutions a Melbourne based landscape and design

Article Source:

How to Lay a New Instant Lawn
